in transit, mark danielsonJournal

Journal for 23 May 2006


1:56 a.m. We just finished packing and getting ready, so I guess we weren’t as prepared as I thought Sunday night. Despite all the rushing, it still hasn’t really struck me that we’re embarking on a huge air/road/ferry trip in less than 12 hours. That’ll probably happen while we’re standing in the airport, I guess.

Due to weather and logistical reasons, we’ve decided to scrap the visits to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. We’ll take a financial hit for the change, but it’s the right thing to do. The Atlantic Provinces should be their own trip, not a detour on an already aggressive vacation. (Besides, I’m 14 years overdue for seeing the Bay of Fundy, so what’s another year or so?)

I spent almost a half hour securing our home this evening, which is kind of ridiculous considering the condo will actually be occupied every night we’re gone, but that’s the kind of thing paranoid homeowners do, I guess.


15 hours to Boston, 19 hours to Vermont. I’ll try to drop a few posts while we’re on the trip, plus add some photos to the Flickr account. (Good thing I don’t have a GPS-enabled cell phone. One can only imagine the kinds of travel-blogging stunts I’d attempt if I had technology like that.) And on that note, I’m outta here.

Posted in Journal at 2:21 am

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