in transit, mark danielsonJournal

Journal for 23 May 2006


7:50 Eastern Daylight Time. We’re about an hour outside of Boston. This is a cramped, packed flight (even by Northwest standards), so as a result I’m typing this on the laptop without looking at the screen, for which there is no room due to the seat in front of me. (Thankfully Andre the Giant-ish guy in front of me switched seats to the exit row. Otherwise I’d really be fucked.) Hopoefully my fingers are hitting the right keys. Anyway, our flight was delayed for over an hour due to strong winds at Logan, meaning we’re going to be getting into Stowe well after midnight. That’s unfortunate, but hopefully we”ll get to bed soon enough that we won’t be wiped out tomorrow morning–and have enough time to wander around Stowe a bit before heading west to the Adirondacks.

It was very warm in Minneapolis before we left today. While it’ll be sweltering back home, much of our trip out here will should see highs in the 70s and lows in the 50s. (One might may dip down into the 30s, but we’re prepared for that assuming Northwest doesn’t lose the luggage with tour camping equipment in it.) There’s a slight chance of snow one night, but I’m not telling Lisa that. Besides, frozen precipittion when camping builds character.

I haven’t driven in in Boston before, so that should be interesting. It’s not like the city has a road system that can be easily internalized by glancing at a map, not to mention Boston’s reputation for drivers who are a bit lacking in social skills. But I’ve survived LA and Detroit, so I’m not too frightened. Yet.

50 minutes to Boston. The next entry will likely be from the Adirdoncaks.

More later.

Posted in Journal,Travelog at 8:13 pm

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