Well, we’re more in Wilmington than we are Lake Placid, but I’m not complaining as we got a really nice drive along the Ausable River as a result. This is my second night in a row blogging from a campground, only this time I’m by a very pleasant campfire. There’s a KOA wireless network available, but I’m not using it. Posting can wait until we’re in Montreal.
It was a pretty good day today. We had a lazy, comfortable morning at Hearthstone Point, followed by a trip down to Glen Falls to find a coffee shop with wireless access so I could download some of the traveling material I’d forgotten to print out. (Looking for good day hikes between Lake George and Lake Placid, I talked the exceedingly friendly girl manning the check-in booth at the campground. “There are mountains up by Lake Placid,” she said earnestly, but not following up that obvious bit of information with any details. “OK, thank you,” I said, and with that headed off and started plotting to get online.)
Between a Starbucks and a New York State information center, we did get some good information, and from Glen Falls headed up US 9 and then across NY-28n to Goodnow Mountain. The drive was really pretty and worth taking even if not going anywhere along the route.

We spent about two and a half hours hiking up Goodnow Mountain and back, and it was easily the highlight of the day. The climb was kind of tough at points, but we made it, and the view from the old fire tower at the peak was spectacular. Lisa called the climb her own personal version of hell, mostly due to black flies attacking us every time we stopped, but in the end she really enjoyed it. It took her almost 15 minutes to climb to the top of the fire tower–did I mention she doesn’t like heights?–but once at the top had no real interest in leaving. The walk down was expectedly easier, and in a way something like a bit of a victory lap.
From Goodnow Mountain it was a relatively quick drive to our campsite, where we rushed to set up our tent before darkness enveloped it. (Lisa’s turned into quite a pro when dealing with tents.) After that we headed into Lake Placid for a bite to eat. We both wanted something healthy and substantial after a few days mostly consisting of crap, but due to the late hour had to settle for pizza at some Olympic-sized pizzeria named Mr. Mike’s. It wasn’t good, but then it wasn’t really bad, either, and since we’ll be in Montreal tomorrow we can probably make up for our food misadventures while there.
Tomorrow looks pretty exciting. We’re going to spend an hour or so in Lake Placid, take some scenic routes over to Lake Champlain, take another ferry across it, and then drive across the islands to Canada. Since we’ve cancelled Nova Scotia, we won’t have to cram nighttime Montreal into just one night, making for what I hope will be both an adventurous and laid back day.
The next post will likely be from Montreal. More later.
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