Trillian Chat Log Monday, January 15
M: See, this is why people shouldn’t send out photos of their newborns.
L: Yeah, not the greatest, those pictures probably only mean something to the parents, although I’m sure we’ll be sending ones out too.
M: We can wait a couple days until our kid has slept some of the wrinkle off.
L: The wrinkle stays on for weeks, my love. Not to mention all the baby fat….
M: We’ll get some stock baby photo, then. No one will know the difference.
L: Only from a designer…
M: Seriously. Babies don’t start looking like their parents until their heads start expanding and shit.
L: It can take a few months for the babies to look like themselves, but you’ll still want to remember what they look like on the first day of their lives I’m sure.
M: I’ll have the video of it coming out.
L: Ah, no way. You’ll be too busy holding my hand. I was actually reading last night that you can get a labor masseuse who gives you a back massage the entire time you’re in labor, I’m going to look into that.
M: Since you’ll have your feet up, how about a pedicure while you’re there?