in transit, mark danielsonJournal

Movielog: Primer


There are films where complexity adds to a storyline, and cases where complexity is there to cover up the fact the main story doesn’t have much meat. Primer, the exceedingly complex $7000 film about the accidental invention of a time machine, doesn’t really fit neatly into either category; instead, one could argue the complexity is story. It’s impressive that the film could be put together on such a budget, but as far as whether it’s any good or not, well, I don’t know. I’ve watched it twice, and the most I can say right now is that it was… interesting.

No rating on this one for now.

Posted in MovieLog at 10:43 pm

Journal for 6 Feb 2007


I’m sure plenty would disagree, but for me one of the few things worse than being stuck at home sick is being stuck at home sick and not being able to get anything done while there.  Such was my situation today.  Sure, I spent most of the day in bed resting, but there was a good four or so hours where sleep wasn’t going to happen and there was nothing productive to do other than check my work’s webmail.  Watching webmail under such circumstances can be a slow terror of sorts, a chance to see everything one needs to do with none of the opportunity to actually do any of it.

Other than delegate, of course.  I did a lot of that today.  Maybe too much.

I felt better this afternoon after a long shower and a course of spicy chili, but the relief was short-lived.  After reverting this evening, I elected to drive the 25 minutes to work to retrieve my laptop in case I don’t head in tomorrow.  And so here I am at 10:54p.m., typing away when I really should be sleeping.

Sleep.  I think I’ll try that again.

More later.

Posted in Journal at 10:56 pm

Journal for 5 Feb 2007


One of my uncles, Eric, lives in The Villages, Florida, one of the areas hit hard by tornadoes last Friday.  His neighborhood was spared–he actually slept through the storm–but areas just over a mile away suffered severe damage.  If you’re interested, he has some pretty amazing photos of the storm’s aftermath on his Flickr page.

Posted in Journal at 1:29 am

Journal for 4 Feb 2006


Blogging during the Superbowl. I don’t really care who wins as long as it’s a good game. Lisa is acting borderline psychotic in her support of the Bears, which may lead me to root for Indianapolis just to even things out a bit.

Lots of screaming following the first return. Um, alrighty.

~ ~ ~

Update, end of first quarter. I get the feeling the adjective that will be used to describe this year’s Superbowl will be “sloppy.” The “comb over beard” ad (first ad, second column) has probably been the best ad so far. (Kudos to CBS on the Boss Button.)

Update, end of second quarter. That GM robot suicide ad was clever, but I can see it really pissing some people off. Also, fumble city.

~ ~ ~

Oh fuck. Now we have to listen to Prince.

~ ~ ~

I think it may have been unique to the Twin Cities, but that Dairy Queen popcorn shrimp ad was hilarious. Then there’s Lisa: “That makes me want to boycott Dairy Queen.”

~ ~ ~

End of the third quarter: It would seem the Colts should be farther ahead then they are right now.

Just checked the weather in Miami. 68°.

~ ~ ~

End of game: Eh. Good for the Colts, but it would have been nice for the game to be a bit more competitive at the end. The Bears pretty much fell apart and handed it to Indianapolis.

~ ~ ~

After the game: Uh, getting a bit too religious now. Holy crap.

And now I have studying to do.

Posted in Journal at 9:41 pm
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