- Kristian Bengtsson, FutureLab
- Jeffrey Zeldman, Happy Cog, A List Apart
- Chris Messina, Citizen Agency, co-founder BarCamp
- Luke Wroblewski, Yahoo! Social Media
- Liz Danzico, Bobulate
Danzico: What does unstuck mean? How can we take risks and make changes, convince clients to do the same, break old processes that we rely on? Avoid the same thing over and over.
(Traffic slide: New Yorker: Looks like good traffic. Pennsylvanian: Looks like a traffic jam.)
Unstuck: The act or process of doing good work, being productive, feeling fulfilled on a team.
Q: Let’s hear about your personal processes…
Messina: Finds that areas he gets stuck are where he keeps his ideas to himself.
Zeldman: Management through conversation. Talk quite a bit, build trust and comfort, before showing prototypes, etc. No process or rules, just tries to listen.
Wroblewski: Ongoing client feedback loop. Always try to be engaged with information flowin