This has been one of those weekends where its become exceedingly clear that Lisa’s and my life is about to change in a very big way. We just finished our weekend-long parenting course at United Hospital a few hours ago, and late last night… we sold our condo! The closing date is May 31st, so for all practical purposes we have only four weeks to find a new place, and only a couple after that to move. I’m not going to write how much we lost on the sale, but let’s just say it was about five times what we’re getting for our tax returns this year. And our tax returns are, well, substantial.
The other big change this weekend was with Lisa. In the course of only a couple of days she’s gone from lowercase pregnant to capital-P Pregnant. All-caps PREGNANT appears to be only a week or so away at most.
Other deadlines loom. I’m applying to the evening MBA program at Carlson, and the deadline for fall admission is May 1st. (I’m applying to St. Thomas as well, but I have until June 1 for that application.)
So, this may be my way of saying there’s a lot to do right now and I may not be online much over the next few weeks. We’ll see how things go.
More later.
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