in transit, mark danielsonJournal

Journal for 31 May 2007


The condo has been sold, and Lisa and I have rejoined the world of renters. I’d be sad about it, but I’m too tired to feel much of any emotion right now.

Moving has been a disaster. If I’m up for it after we’ve settled in, I may list the ways I should’ve known better. For now, it’s off to bed here at our hotel in Eagan, for while we’ve moved, we’re not at a point we can move in.

I missed the application deadline for Fall admission to St. Thomas. That probably says more about the past week than anything.

Posted in Journal at 11:59 pm


Well, here it is, the last entry from 34th and Hennepin. While there’s still a lot to do, we’re more packed than not, and I should be reasonably prepared when I meet the movers at the storage locker in Northeast a little over 10 hours from now. They’ll be moving the big stuff, I’ll be moving the small stuff. There’s a 10-foot Budget moving truck parked out in front packed top to bottom, so I’ll be making two trips. I thought I could be creative with packing and make 10 feet work, but in retrospect should have gone with the 16-footer.

The cat and pigs make their move on Thursday before we close on the condo. The apartment won’t be ready for habitation until Saturday morning–the kitchen and bathroom are still being worked on–so Lisa and I will be camping in Eagan for the next few days. There’s some irony to that, but it’s not interesting enough for me to take the time necessary to explain it.

~ ~ ~

I got thrown for a bit of a loop Friday afternoon when my workday was interrupted to get a call from my dad. He and my mom were calling from just outside Chippewa Falls, and they were about two hours away from arriving in Minneapolis for an unannounced visit. For some reason they thought we were moving next weekend, and decided it would be good to visit Lisa and I while they could still see the condo. Needless to say, that threw our weekend off quite a bit, but it was good to see them.

Okay, no time for sitting around typing. Back to work.

~ ~ ~

Well, not quite, as I have to be a geek for a moment: This is my 200th post since moving to WordPress. Huh.

Posted in Journal at 10:00 pm

Journal for 23 May 2007


Despite the baby not being due until June 20th, Lisa’s doctor appointment this morning revealed she’s already dilated 1.5cm. This doesn’t mean the baby is about to be on his way–Lisa’s doctor told her she could still go well past the due date–but frankly I’d much rather this was happening a week from now, after our move.

The condo is a disaster, with boxes and bags all over the place. I get the rental truck for the small stuff on Sunday, and the movers will be here for the big stuff on Tuesday. We don’t actually get to move into our new place until June 1st–they’re renovating the kitchen and bathroom and expect the work to go right up to the 1st–so Lisa and I will be camping at a hotel in Eagan for a few days. At least we can dump our belongings in the front rooms so we won’t have to pay for storage. That would suck.

It was my goal to get the nursery all set up before the baby arrives, but we’ll be OK if it’s not finished. We purchased a bassinet off craigslist and plan on keeping the kid in our room with us for at least the first few weeks, so we won’t need the nursery right away.  Still, I’d rather not have to work on that kind of stuff while Lisa and I are figuring out how to care for the new little life we’re responsible for. Of bigger concern is the cat, who’s taken a keen interest in the bassinet. I have a pretty solid feline mitigation plan for the crib, but the bassinet, well, not so much.

~ ~ ~

I still haven’t finished up my application to St. Thomas. Talk about doing everything at once.

Posted in BabyLog,Journal,Putter at 11:54 pm

Journal for 14 May 2007


You know how I mentioned Lisa and I changed a diaper yesterday? Lisa got an email from the mom today, and, yeah, we put it on backwards.

Posted in BabyLog,Journal at 11:20 pm

Journal for 13 May 2007


Kind of a varied weekend. Saturday brought lunch in Linden Hills, lots of packing, and an evening at The Brave New Workshop. Today brought a bike ride to the empty lot that will soon be home to a new Twins stadium, and tonight a trip to North Minneapolis to do some babysitting for some of Lisa’s friends.

That’s right folks, Mark changed a diaper this evening.  Weird.

Posted in BabyLog,Journal at 11:57 pm

Journal for 10 May 2007


It was both a beautiful and crazy night to go for a bike ride. The weather was gorgeous, but the bugs, well, not so much. I had to stop twice around Calhoun and once on Isles to clear out the nostrils. Ick.

Posted in Journal at 11:56 pm

Quotebook: Lisa on Carrying a Baby


Lisa, 7 May 2007:

“The other day I thought I was having Braxton Hicks contractions, but it turned out it was just my seatbelt.”

Posted in BabyLog,Quotebook at 9:58 pm

BabyLog For 7 May 2007


Lisa and I attended breastfeeding class this evening.  It was…  Interesting.  Especially the part about me running into a coworker.

Posted in BabyLog,Journal at 9:53 pm

Journal for 3 May 2007


“Excuse me, do you have chopsticks?”

“Yes, check aisle A33.”

Two minutes later, I found myself looking at ChapStick. A minute after that:

“Do you have chopsticks?”

“Chopsticks? No.”


“Would skewers work? Those are back on the ‘B’ wall.”

Posted in Journal at 9:16 pm

Journal for 2 May 2007


Sunday morning one of the anchors for my braces snapped off again. On Monday I scheduled the requisite appointment with my orthodontist for later in the week, and then pretty much forgot about it. Then yesterday afternoon my upper front teeth started to feel kind of strange. I looked in the mirror later in the day and realized that the gap I’ve had between my front upper teeth–the gap that has informed hundreds of decisions not to smile for photographs, or laugh in large crowds, or, when I was younger, make myself visible in general–had completely disappeared.

My teeth are finally straightening out… And, honestly, I feel kind of weird about it.

Posted in Journal at 11:16 pm
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