I don’t have time to write this evening, but I need to take a break from photo processing. (Here’s a preview.) I took over a 1100 photos at Beth and Morten’s reception, but a large quantity of those could charitably be categorized as duds. I take a lot of photos, but overall I think the quality of my work has been drifting. The kind of haphazard approach encouraged by using digital cameras may be part of the issue—there’s practically no cost associated with taking a photo, so my approach probably isn’t as measured as it would be if I had a limited amount of film (and a limited amount of money to get it developed).
Quality of rendering has been an ongoing issue as well. I rely too much on bumping up my camera’s sensitivity to take photos in lower-light situations, and it shows.
So, anyway, it was a busy weekend. My beautiful wife, who I love dearly, insisted on taking our four-month-old to a pumpkin patch on Sunday, and the results were, well, kind of what I expected. We got some cute photos, though, and a bunch of Japanese exchange students got to utilize Mathias as an object lesson on what “Halloween is in America.” (Seriously.)
Other than that, not much to report. Cleaning around the house, shopping at SuperTarget, watching disasterously bad movies, and, well, working on photos.
Oh, and Mathias sat up for the first time with no assistance. Dad got to see it happen, because mom was in the shower. Lisa, dripping wet and wrapped in a towel, ran out to the living room as soon as I alerted her as to what our son was doing. She was excited to see the little man sit up and grab his own toes for support, but at the same time brought up her theory that Mathias is deciding to do his firsts in front of dad for some reason.
A problem with that theory: Mathias has put his pacifier back in his mouth on a couple of cases, which his mom has seen, and his dad… hasn’t.
Well, back to photos. (And probably laundry.) More later.
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