Two obituaries have been posted for Kelly, one in The Montana Standard, another in the Pioneer Press.
Two obituaries have been posted for Kelly, one in The Montana Standard, another in the Pioneer Press.
I don’t really have any more information right now, but just wanted to note some of the comments that were placed here after my earlier post on Kelly. (I’ve temporarily disabled comment moderation on this site, so any posts should appear immediately after being submitted.)
I’m kind of surprised I can’t find any news on Hamline’s website.
My phone at work rang a little after 3:00 this afternoon, and I picked it up to find Lisa sobbing on the other end. I had a brief moment of panic wondering if Mathias was OK, but a few seconds later I finally made out what she was saying. Kelly, a good friend of hers from her time working at Hamline, was dead.
Kelly was an interesting guy. I got to know him after a while, and he, Lisa and I even hung out from time to time. (That included one ridiculous trip to the northern suburbs last year to hit one of the few theaters still playing Cars. We ended up being the only people in the entire theater.) I could use a lot of words to describe him: Friendly, goofy, neat… Kind of a stereotypical gay man, but not to the extent it would be commonly found annoying. He was smart, too, a Harvard grad who didn’t make much noise about the fact.
I’m not sure how our place became the designated gathering spot, but there’s now a large group of people out in the sunroom, all friends of Kelly, talking on phones, checking email and sharing whatever information they have. Right now no one has much, just speculation and accounts of the last time they saw him.
I should be studying. I guess I felt weird going ahead with my classwork without saying something first.
I’m sure there will be more on this later.
I’m crossed a dangerous line this evening, picking up coffee at Starbucks at 10:15 this evening. What can I say, I’ve had a long day (and, incidentally, should really be working/studying right now). The Starbucks I stopped at by the U had something like 300 Somalis milling about in it, about half of them speaking in loud and very animated fashions. There were only three people in the store who didn’t seem to be Somali natives–I was one, and the other two were behind the counter.
I fucking love Minneapolis.
Anyway, day one of daycare for Mathias–an ongoing mutual babysitting agreement between Lisa and her friend Aimee, really–went fairly well today. Mathias managed to pull on some heartstrings when I dropped him off–Aimee was holding him and talking to him, but he kept looking at me–but I managed to get out of there without him crying and without me cracking up. (I’m too busy to crack up. Pass the coffee!) Lisa’s turn at babysitting Aimee’s one-year-old this afternoon sounds like it went fairly well, too, although it’s pretty clear we have some serious childproofing to do this coming weekend.
Work was, uh, interesting. One big project finished and another big project got set to begin, with the transition between the two getting a twist worthy of a Hitchcockian comedy. (No, not that one. It’s just a metaphor, people.) Tonight, as expected, was spent with some fellow MBA students as we worked on our group project. It’s going pretty well, but there’s a lot left to do.
After my midterm on Thursday, the next few weeks look like this: A visit from one of Lisa’s friends for a couple of days this weekend, a possible trip out of town the following weekend, the class project due the week after that, TURKEY PARTY 2007, and then finals for class.
Huh, time to start thinking about J-Term. Hmm.
Okay, time to study. More later.
Well, it’s about to be official at work, so it might as well be official here. The turkey in the freezer has a date on it. That date is Saturday, November 3rd.
Well, tomorrow’s a big day. Lisa got a new job that’ll give her 15 hours of outside-the-house, grown-up interaction each week, starting Tuesday morning at 7:30. Lisa and a close (and trusted) friend of hers set up a babysitting-sharing agreement that kicks off tomorrow morning as well, which means I get to deliver the little one to North Minneapolis around 8:30 before high-tailing it to work. Generally speaking it seems to be a good arrangement, except for the fact Lisa’s friend’s house is in the opposite direction of my job. I expect to spend about an hour on the road tomorrow morning, which may or may not give me some sympathy for the exurb freaks complaining about their commutes.
Tomorrow night brings working with classmates at Carlson on a group project we need to get wrapped up. Wednesday night will be spent studying for the midterm.
I’m busy. Did I mention I’m busy? I’m busy!
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