Well, we’re in Wausau. I just had a weird 20 minutes running errands, starting with a Shopko near our hotel. Shopko itself isn’t weird, of course, but whenever shopping there I always find myself wondering if they’re trying to be Target or Wal-Mart (or maybe a discount Kohl’s on crack), and usually all I get is a headache as a result. Anyway, while carrying a poinsettia out into the parking lot, I got a call from Lisa.
“I figured out why the Super8 here got such good ratings,” she said.
“What’s that?”
“[ This sentence deleted at Lisa’s request. ]”
“Uh, we better make sure we’re not paying for that.”
“I think its from the 1930s.”
“Oh. Probably free then.”
Next stop was McDonald’s to pick up a cheeseburger and iced coffee for Lisa. (I decided to grab a fruit and walnut salad for myself.) They handed over the food and I drove off to the hotel. Stepping out of my car, I heard a guy yelling. “Sir! Sir!” I turned around, and there was a guy from McDonald’s. “We forgot to give you your hamburger.” He’d actually run there after me. Dumbfounded, I took the burger and thanked him, and he headed off.
I thought about it for a moment, and then the full gravity of the event finally struck me: A McDonald’s employee had just run out of the restaurant, chased me down the street and located me in a parking lot in order to deliver a hamburger. That had to be good for some kind of tip. I jumped out of the car only to find he was already 20 or 30 yards away. (While he works at McDonald’s, it would appear that he doesn’t actually eat there all that often.) I yelled at him to stop, which he did, or at least tried to do, as he was on a patch of ice. Bang, on the ground. Fuck. At least he got up quickly.
“I have to give you a tip for that,” I said. I rummaged through my pockets, and got an ill-timed demonstration of the fact I’m primarily a plastic user. Total availability of cash to give him? $1. At least I got to thank him again.
~ ~ ~
So, it’s been kind of a weird evening. I’m out in the Super8 lobby now, as Lisa and Mathias are back sleeping in the room. The hotel has a computer set up in the corner for guest use, and I just watched some guy wander out in his underwear to check his email. Alrighty.
We weren’t originally planning to be here tonight, but yesterday’s weather forecast made it clear that if we didn’t get out of Minneapolis today, there was a distinct possibility we wouldn’t be getting out until Sunday or even Monday. So, we made a run for it. It’ll be interesting to see where we get this weekend… Or where we don’t.
Well, it’s time for me turn in for the evening. I wonder how warm the hotel room is. When I left, it seemed appropriate for poaching eggs.
More later.