Not a particularly productive weekend so far. I was able to take a couple of days off from studying, and am now having trouble getting back into it. I shouldn’t have stopped, I guess. Beyond that, we had lunch at Quang on Saturday, which was a nice, and walked a couple of times at the mega mall, as we’re parents and that’s what we do.
The mall was kind of weird this weekend with the Knit-Out and Crochet 2008 going on. The crowd it attracted was an odd mix of hipsters, hicks, grandmas, soccer moms and vagrants, all apparently looking to score free yarn and pattern ideas. I’m not sure what other subjects could bring such people together, but it would be interesting to find out.
Beyond that, not much. Lisa and I had a brief conflagration after she found out I’d previously favorited a few cupcake photos on Flickr (I got the “you’re one of them” speech), but it passed quickly enough as we set about looking at pictures of pigs. (Here’s one that looks like a Brillo Pad.)
I have off on Monday. Yay for working in service of the legal industry.
More later.