in transit, mark danielsonJournal

Journal for 14 Feb 2007: Operating at 30%


I had an embarrassingly absent-minded day today. This morning at work I actually managed to forget that someone on my team had recently married, and this evening managed to mix up the days of the month Mathias was born and Lisa and I were married. I also momentarily spaced on my own birthday, although that last one I was able to figure out.

I blame excessive studying for crowding everything else out of my brain. The lack of sleep this week probably didn’t help much, either.

~ ~ ~

Regarding my accounting midterm, I think I may have actually done OK, although there were a few questions that gave me a lot of trouble. I should know in about a week.

~ ~ ~

Also noted: Don’t get Lisa started on cupcakes.

Posted in Education,Journal at 11:20 pm


  1. What makes cupcakes the hipster dessert of choice??

    Comment by L — 20080215 - Friday @ 10:49 am

  2. What am I missing?

    Comment by L — 20080215 - Friday @ 8:02 pm

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