With everything going on the past few days, it wasn’t until a coworker reminded me this morning that I realized that SXSW starts next week. Holy crap. So much for going in prepared.
~ ~ ~
I am never taking two full-credit courses at the same time again. Never.
Dina Knight, Cheryl Hill and I are interviewing attendees, panelists and trade show exhibitors at SXSW for http://geeknewscentral.com and http://austincast.com/sxsw. I see that you’re going to SXSW. Geek News Central was a big hit on itunes with it’s coverage of CES in Las Vegas this year.
Would you be willing to do a skype or phone interview with us online now and then do a video interview at SXSW? My skype name is walhus. Phone is 512.699.4000. The video would appear on both of the above mentioned sites.
If this is ok, send your contact phone and skype to walhus@gmail.com with a suggested time to call or skype you.
This is a sample of an interview I did today with Jim Crews via skype.
Paul Terry Walhus
512.699.4000 cellphone
skype: walhus
http://twitter.com/springnet – add me
Comment by Paul Terry Walhus — 20080304 - Tuesday @ 7:02 pm