I came home tonight all ready to study, but instead found myself confronted with a sick baby and an equivalently stressed mom. I’ve gotten some studying done, and am feeling slightly better about the test on Wednesday–slightly–but still wish the little one had picked a different time to get sick.
Ah, parenthood. Lisa occasionally mentions that she sometimes feels she’s going insane when staying at home with the baby all day, but from my point of view she’s doing a remarkably good job. I’m sure if I was the one staying home I would’ve gone coo coo for cocoa puffs a few months ago. It’s kind of weird: She often suffers from a lack of adult interaction, I often suffer from too much of it, and we’ve found no great way to bridge the gap. There have been a number of days where I’ve come home completely wiped out from work and school wanting nothing more than to have an hour or so of down time, only to find her in a position 180 degrees from mine. Long term, this will get better as Lisa and I start going on trips again, or even start finding the time to go out on a few dates. Until then, though, there will probably be a few more nights like this one.
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A few hours after going to sleep, Mathias awoke agitated and cranky. Lisa and I both took turns trying to put him back to sleep, but both of us failed. I came close at one point, but he caught a coughing fit a moment after I put him in his crib, and we were back to square one.
Eventually Lisa and I ended up together in his room with a few of the lights on, with both of us taking turns holding him. He calmed down, started sucking on his fingers, and quietly stared back and forth at the two of us, apparently comforted by the fact these two people he’d grown very familiar with were sitting there keeping him company. And in that way, while it wasn’t a good evening, it wasn’t a completely bad one, either.