in transit, mark danielsonJournal

Journal for 26 Nov 2008: Thanksgiving


My brain isn’t ready for Thanksgiving. My brain seems to think we’re in early October, or maybe at the end of an unusually cold September. November 26th? How did that happen? School, and the horrific but useful experience known as Data Analysis & Statistics for Managers, is the likely culprit: When stuck in a class that overtakes one’s life and consumes every free waking moment, time doesn’t drag or fly. Instead, it more or less just disappears.

Two months of my life, lost, a gap in my geologic record.

But I need to get by that. I need to pull myself in the present, as when we step out of the car in Madison tomorrow, I want to be in the proper mind to appreciate and enjoy what I think is one of the best holidays we Americans get to experience, a rare shared moment of grateful assessment, a holiday about family and friends still relatively unspoiled by commercialism or general stupidity.

New Year’s Day is a time to make no small plans. Thanksgiving is an opportunity to be thankful for the opportunity to do so.

And so, with that, I’d like to share a few of the things I’m thankful for.

I’m thankful for my wonderful son and all the love he brings us, and my beautiful wife, who possesses more patience and fortitude than she gives herself credit for.

I’m thankful for my family and relatives, both by birth and marriage, and am glad Mathias will get to grow up knowing them. (I’m really looking forward to Mathias getting to meet his uncle.) Health challenges abound in some areas, especially with my parents, but they’re doing relatively well all things considered, and, as I move towards my mid-30s, I realize I’m more fortunate than many that I still have them.

I’m thankful for my friends, many of whom are basically family to me. I need to be a better friend, something I’ve never felt myself to be too good at, but that’s probably a topic for January 1.

I’m thankful for my job. It’s not what I ever expected to be doing, but it’s enjoyable challenging, and full of opportunities.

I’m thankful for being in school. Yes, it’s often a pain, and can take a toll in many ways, but the knowledge, opportunities and friends I’m gaining from it are fantastic.

And, finally, I’m thankful for turkey. You know why? I fucking love turkey. It’s tasty, and doesn’t come across cheap like chicken. As such, I’m also thankful that we’ll be relaunching the event known as Turkey Party in late February or early March of 2009. Turkey, fuck yeah.

I also love stuffing, but I’ll save that for next year’s entry. And with that, here’s wishing you and yours a happy Thanksgiving.

Posted in Journal at 11:54 pm

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