It only took 14 hours to reach the other side of the globe. The world definitely seems smaller now.
So, I’m in Delhi. 14 hours is a long time to be on a plane, but the flight was better than expected. I’m still trying to wrap my brain around our first few hours here, so I’m not going to say much now. I’ll try to post at least once a day moving forward, or at least as schedule allows.
A couple of notes on my entries for this trip: Internet access at our hotel is exorbitantly priced, so entries may not be posted when I actually write them. Also, since most of this trip is either for school or for work, much of what I do and see I won’t be able to write about. (I’m here as part of a class with the U of M, and we’ll be visiting a number of large and small companies and government organizations who are being exceedingly gracious in their willingness to let a bunch of students come in, see what they do and ask questions. There’s an implicit NDA on pretty much every site visit we make.) I’m keeping a separate journal for the class, and am not exactly sure how I’ll handle the two at the same time, so expect some weirdness… Maybe even some class journals with large parts edited out.
Also, since Internet access may be limited, Twitter may be the best place to see what I’m up to. I may try to get some stuff up on Flickr as time allows, too.
And with that, I’m going to take a quick shower and head downstairs to the hotel bar to unwind with my classmates and discuss what exactly it is that we’ve just gotten ourselves into. More later.