Uh, hi. I’m in China, Guangzhou to be exact. I’ve been in China all year. Tomorrow I head back home.
It’s been an interesting couple of weeks, both long and incredibly short at the same time. When I talk to my wife and son it’s like I’ve been gone forever, but when I think of the trip itself, it feels like I landed in Hong Kong yesterday.
In reality, I landed in Hong Kong on December 30th, and rang in the new year from a rooftop bar near Victoria Harbour. A few days after that the Carlson School international program I traveled half way around the world to attend got underway, and everything since then has passed in a blink. I’ve learned a lot, although not in the way I expected, and met some great people I hope to stay in contact with for a long, long time. But the class is over now, and I’m itching to get home to my sick wife and son in that cold wasteland we know as Minnesota.
I have a lot to write about, but may not have time. I have no classes this coming semester. I’ve been accepted to another Carlson international program, this one on the Scanadanivan approach to business ethics, and the four credits I’ll get for that in June will allow me to close out my MBA program. Only a term paper and a class separate me from school, and… And what? What do I do next? My wife has a job she loves, and I love the place I work, but I’m itching for a change. There is also the little matter of the massive student loans I’ll have coming due in less than a year. So, that’s what I’ll be working on.
That, and all the photos from this trip that I need to put on Flickr, of course.