Saturday morning, the start of my last full day in Copenhagen. I’m in the breakfast area of the Savoy Hotel–or, as I’ve been describing it, Lake and Cedar with fewer dead people–and am only a few hours away from my last MBA class.
My initial reaction to Copenhagen was anything but positive–it seemed just like Oslo and Copenhagen, except dirtier, with uglier architecture, and with graffiti everywhere–but I’ve softened on it since, and now it may actually be my favorite city of the three we’ve visited. The city has a bit of a New-York-in-the-1970s-vibe that is kind of endearing. One key problem with that analogy, though, is that I’ve never felt unsafe here. I commented to a fellow traveler last night that I couldn’t remember the last time I saw a cop, and he mentioned that he couldn’t, either.
The food here, especially that of the baked variety, is great. The coffee is a crime against humanity.
Well, it’s approaching 9:00, and I have to return my bike to the central train station before I head to class today. (The hours for pretty much everything other than alcohol are inconvenient. Most stores are open from 10:00-6:00, a fact that has foiled us almost every day.) I have to be going. This will probably be my last post from Copenhagen.
More later.
Lake and Cedar with fewer dead people – ha! that almost made me pee my pants !!
Comment by L — 20110619 - Sunday @ 5:01 pm