in transit, mark danielsonJournal

Journal for 12 Nov 2007: More Crap


It’s one thing after another these days. I just got a message tonight that my dad is going in for gallbladder surgery tomorrow morning. I haven’t been able to get a hold of my mom, so I have no idea what that’s all about yet.

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I had my final for Strategic Management this evening, and am kind of underwhelmed by my performance. I tried to do some good overview studying before the final, but in retrospect the only thing I did well was studying for the wrong things.

I should know my grade within a week or so. If I get a B, I’ll be happy.

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I have a 7:00 a.m. conference call tomorrow morning for work. Note to self: If the world was truly flat, we wouldn’t have to suffer 12-hour work days to get meeting times lined up.

Posted in Education, Journal at 11:41 pm