in transit, mark danielsonJournal

Sunday New York Times Statistics for 25 May 2008


(I pretended today was Sunday. It sure felt like one.)

Number of sections consumed: 4 (out of 10)

Hours spent: 2.5

NYT Magazine opened (Y/N): N

Articles worthy of passing along:

Posted in Journal at 5:53 pm

Journal for 18 May 2008: Life, Backlogged


As is probably quite obvious, I haven’t really been in the mood for writing as of late. To be fair, the mix is roughly 40% apathy, 60% preoccupation.

Lisa’s first Mother’s Day was spent in Madison. Not an optimal time for her to visit, but between MinneBar on the 10th, a weird work event for me on the 12th, and a bunch of time for her working online the following week, it was clear we wouldn’t be able to see each other much until this weekend anyway. As such, we decided to defer Mother’s Day to some undefined future date, and just let the weekend pass.

I made the most of my open Sunday. Instead of relaxin