29 March 2001 - Thursday
Another strange phone call this morning, this time from an objectionably chipper voice reminding me that Heather and my rating period began today. "Make sure you send the diaries back next Thursday," he urged. "We have a lot of problems getting people under 35 to send those in." Hmmm. Maybe that's why so much of what we hear these days seems to be a couple decades old.
Cities 97 made a brief appearance this morning, mainly due to me leaving the radio tuned to it after giving it a try the night before. I keep hearing that KTCZ is basically the best rock station left in the Twin Cities and keep yearning for it to grab me, but it never does. After about twenty minutes yesterday, I again decided easy-listening isn't my thing. (When I turned it on this morning, "Beautiful Day" by U2 was playing, and hence Cities lasted a few minutes before I reverted to Radio K.)