Was 2001 a successful year? Well, in a few ways, yes, but in most cases I could have done better. I could have gone back to school, I could have been more professional and productive at work, I could have saved more, I could have been better in friendships and relationships. But there's always next year, which, incidentally, is about nine and a half hours away as I sit here writing this. Anyway, my goals and resolutions for 2002, in no particular order:
- Go back to school. It doesn't matter where, it doesn't matter for what. I need to start learning and thinking again.
- Exercise more.
- Stadium Tour: Visit baseball stadiums in the following cities: Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Boston, Montreal, and, yes, Minneapolis.
- Be a better friend.
- Repeat that one resolution I make every year. Yeah, that one.
- Buy a new bike.
- Finish the partially read books on my bookshelf. I'm not talking about the crappy ones I put down because I didn't like them, I'm talking about the ones I found interesting but had my reading interrupted. Books like that include Consciousness Explained by Daniel C. Dennett, Backlash by Susan Faludi and The Age of Spiritual Machines by Ray Kurzweil.
- Get the hell off the continent. London, maybe? Or Iceland? The exchange rate is good with Australia right now...
- Drag as many people as I can to Cedar Point in Ohio.
- Get a new bedroom set.
- lstc.org. Fucking get on with it already.
I'm sure there have been a number I've missed. I usually don't do this, but I'm going to allow myself to modify the list over the next couple of days if I happen to come up with other resolutions.
In Transit returns on January 13th January 16th (sorry, unforseen circumstances). Have a good New Year.