Please Note: Turkey Party 2001 Photos are now online.
You and a guest.
Turkey Party 2001, a celebration of fowl food, non-traditional cooking devices, nice people and good conversation. Of course, vegetarian dinner options will be available.
Saturday, October 6th at 7:00. The bird will go live, so to speak, around 7:45.
Heather and Mark's apartment at ---- Emerson Ave. S. #4 in Minneapolis. Parking is usually available within a block and a half, and they're small blocks.
Mark's employer gave him a turkey for Thanksgiving last year. He needs to restore space in the freezer before he gets another one. Besides, it's a good excuse for a party. For a more long-winded explanation, you may want to check last year's Turkey Party site.
Please RSVP by Thursday, October 4th by calling (612) -------- or e-mailing Mark at TP2k+1 will be quasi-potluck: It would be really spiffy if you brought something, but please do not feel obligated to do so. (If you feel like contributing, please e-mail Mark to make sure you're not doubling up on someone else.) Heather and Mark will provide the essentials, including the vegetarian dish.