Mark Danielson - Resume
1932 Emerson Ave. S. #4
Minneapolis, MN 55403
(612) 374-1182
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Web Work //
Print Work //
Journalism & Photography //
Skills //
Education //
At A Glance
I've been involved in Web design and development since 1996, and have been working in the field professionally since June 1998.
Skill Sets
- HTML 3.2 and 4.0
- Cascading Style Sheets
- Photoshop 5.0
- Homesite 4.5
- Windows and Macintosh operating systems
Present Employment
- Senior Web Designer,, West Group, Eagan, Minnesota.
- University of Wisconsin - River Falls, Bachelor of Science in Journalism, May 1998.
Web Work
- (from West Legal Directory, a division of West Group), Eagan, Minnesota, March 1999 to present.
- Senior Web Designer -- Responsible for designing and building customized Web sites to client specifications. Substantial client interaction, including design interviews with the client and coordination with outside marketing organizations chosen by the client. Firms I have created sites for have ranged in size from single attorney practices to firms with over 130 attorneys.
Click here for example sites I developed at West Group.
- Project Leader -- Responsible for heading numerous internal development projects. Involved in many other projects in developmental or consultative roles.
- University of Wisconsin - River Falls, River Falls, Wisconsin, June 1998 to March 1999.
- Web Designer -- Responsible for designing and building sites for numerous University departments and events. Included in my work was the Kansas City Chiefs Summer Training Camp site, which won the Wisconsin Tourism Trailblazers Award for Excellence in Technology from the Wisconsin Association of Convention & Visitors Bureaus.
- Speaker -- For the UW-River Falls Webbed Feet program, November 1998. Spoke to professional group about the benefits and implementation of JavaScript.
- The Student Voice, UW-River Falls, August 1996 to May 1998.
Print Work
- Lakeshore Chronicle, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, summer 1997.
- Page design and layout -- Using Macintosh-based Quark XPress, laid out special publications and special advertising supplements for the 30,000-circulation bi-weekly newspaper.
I redesigned every student newspaper I've worked at. The designs, or subsequent variations close to them, have been in use for a cumulative nine years:
- The Student Voice, UW-River Falls, August 1996 to May 1998.
- Layout designer -- Helped editors with page design and use of Macintosh-based Adobe Pagemaker, put together special sections and created tables and graphics. Redesigned paper winter 1996/97.
- The Free Press, August 1994 to May 1996.
- Layout designer -- Redesigned paper and laid out pages using Windows-based Microsoft Publisher.
Journalism & Photography
- Lakeshore Chronicle, Manitowoc, Wis.
- Intern, summer 1997. At the 30,000+ circulation bi-weekly paper I took the majority of photographs; wrote articles; found and created content for and laid out special publications using Quark XPress; developed black and white film; used an enlarger; screened black and white prints for paste-up; and used a digital camera and related programs.
- Contributing photographer, 1993-1996.
- Darkroom technician, 1996.
- UW-River Falls Student Voice
- Editor-In-Chief, spring 1998. In charge of editing and production of 4,000 circulation weekly student paper serving the campus community.
- Regional Editor, fall 1996 to spring 1997. Responsible for retrieving, editing and localizing stories from the AP Newsfinder Service and layout of the page.
- Staff writer, fall 1996 to spring 1998.
- Photographer, fall 1996 to spring 1998.
- Columnist, fall 1996 to fall 1997.
- UW Student Press Service.
- Founder and Director, fall 1995 to spring 1996. Created, organized and ran the service serving at least eight student papers in the University of Wisconsin System.
- UW-Manitowoc Free Press.
- Editor-in-Chief, fall 1995 to spring 1996.
- Staff writer and photographer, fall 1994 to spring 1996.
- UW-Manitowoc Writing Lab.
- English tutor, fall 1995 to spring 1996.
- Proficient in HTML 3.2 and 4.0.
- Highly knowledgeable in Cascading Style Sheets I and II.
- Highly knowledgeable in use of Adobe Photoshop 5.0.
- Highly knowledgeable in use of Allaire HomeSite 4.0; Knowledgeable in use of Macromedia Dreamweaver.
- Substantial experience in project management.
- Knowledgeable in use of Quark XPress.
- Highly knowledgeable in use of Adobe Pagemaker.
- Strong knowledge of AP style.
- Knowledgeable in both Windows and Macintosh operating systems.
- Substantial experience implementing JavaScript.
- Experience using Macromedia Flash.
- Knowledgeable in use of Word Perfect and Microsoft Word.
- Experience using digital cameras and related programs.
- Experience with Nikon Coolscan.
- Experience using Ofoto and OmniPage.
- Knowledgeable in darkroom processes, including developing black and white film, using an enlarger, and screening black and white prints.