- Lakeshore Chronicle, Manitowoc, Wis.
- Intern, summer 1997. At the 30,000+ circulation bi-weekly paper I took the majority of photographs; wrote articles; found and created content for and laid out special publications using Quark XPress; developed black and white film; used an enlarger; screened black and white prints for paste-up; and used a digital camera and related programs.
- Contributing photographer, 1993-1996.
- Darkroom technician, 1996.
- UW-River Falls Student Voice
- Editor-In-Chief, spring 1998. In charge of editing and production of 4,000 circulation weekly student paper serving the campus community.
- Regional Editor, fall 1996 to spring 1997. Responsible for retrieving, editing and localizing stories from the AP Newsfinder Service and layout of the page.
- Staff writer, fall 1996 to spring 1998.
- Photographer, fall 1996 to spring 1998.
- Columnist, fall 1996 to fall 1997.
- UW Student Press Service.
- Founder and Director, fall 1995 to spring 1996. Created, organized and ran the service serving at least eight student papers in the University of Wisconsin System.
- UW-Manitowoc Free Press.
- Editor-in-Chief, fall 1995 to spring 1996.
- Staff writer and photographer, fall 1994 to spring 1996.
- UW-Manitowoc Writing Lab.
- English tutor, fall 1995 to spring 1996.